The ELDTC has the opportunity this year to seat THREE Democrats on the Board of Selectmen, so please vote straight Line A to get Ann, Jason, AND Tony *ALL* elected!


for Board of Selectmen

Tony Attanasio has lived in Niantic for 25 years and is a software engineer at Electric Boat with degrees in naval architecture and computer science. His son attended East Lyme public schools and graduated from ELHS in 2007.  Tony has previously served the town as a member of the East Lyme Board of Assessment Appeals for 8 years, and as a trustee of the East Lyme Public Library for 18 years. In the 2020 Presidential Election, Tony had the distinct honor of serving as one of the seven presidential electors for Connecticut. Tony seeks to serve as a progressive voice for East Lyme Democrats and to support transparency in government.


for Board of Selectmen

Ann Cicchiello has lived in East Lyme for 20 years. She and her husband raised their two children here, and they both excelled in our outstanding school system. Ann is a graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Law, and Boston College, and she has been practicing law for thirty years.

Ann’s love of East Lyme was the impetus to her getting involved in town politics. Ann is completing her first term on the Board of Selectmen where she has established herself as a bipartisan voice for the taxpayer. In making her decisions, Ann balances keeping an affordable tax burden, while maintaining quality services for our residents.

Residents previously elected Ann to the Board of Finance, where she served as Vice Chairwoman. Ann worked hard for East Lyme residents and was instrumental in keeping taxes nearly flat during her tenure and through the pandemic. Ann also proudly served as Vice Chairwoman of the Inland Wetlands Agency where she fostered prudent development and ensured the preservation of wetlands and open space for the community.


for Board of Selectmen

Jason Deeble has been a middle school math and science teacher in southeastern Connecticut for 20 years. He and his wife moved to East Lyme in 2006 to start their family.  Jason began his volunteerism in municipal government serving on the Inland Wetlands Agency in 2018 and was later elected to the Planning Commission where he currently serves. He is Chair of the East Lyme Democratic Town Committee.  Jason is also an ardent supporter of the arts.  He's published several picture books and collections of comics for children and he plays in a variety of musical acts around the state. Jason is passionate about many issues, but is a stalwart champion of increasing civic engagement, promoting civil discourse, and looking for creative approaches to our modern problems.