The Zoning Commission is governed by the Connecticut General Statutes (Title 8, Chapter 124) and is responsible for developing and enforcing the East Lyme Zoning Regulations. The Regulations exist to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Town by:
• Preventing the overcrowding of land avoiding undue concentration of population
• Preventing or lessening congestion of the public highways
• Providing for the preservation of desirable open space, tree cover, historic sites, recreation areas, scenic vistas, stream valleys, wetlands and related water sources, and other environmentally important lands, soiled and geologic phenomena
• Encouraging energy efficient development
• Providing adequate open spaces for light and air
• Securing safety from fire, panic, flood and other dangers
• Facilitating adequate provisions for transportation, water, sewage disposal, schools, parks and other conveniences
• Stabilizing and conserving the value of land, homes and other buildings
• Encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the town, and
• Providing proper provision for soil erosion and sediment control
The ZC has also been designated as the Town’s Aquifer Protection Agency, with the powers designated by the Connecticut General Statutes (Title 22a, Chapter 446i, Sections 22a-354a through 22a-354bb).
The ZC consists of six members and three alternates, each elected to a four year term.
The ZC meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month, 7:30 p.m., in the Upper Meeting Room at the EL Town Hall.
Agendas and Minutes are available at: http://eltownhall.com/government/boards-commissions/zoning- commission/ and http://eltownhall.com/government/boards-commissions/aquifer-protection-agency/
The Zoning Regulations are available at: http://eltownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/Zoning- Regulations-of-January-27-2017.pdf
The Aquifer Protection Agency Regulations are available at: http://eltownhall.com/wp- content/uploads/2015/10/Aquifer-Protection-Regulations-effective-December-14-2012.pdf
The CG Statutes that govern the BAA are available at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/current/pub/chap_124.htm
Current Membership as of 12/4/2023:
Michael Foley, R
Nance Kalal, U
James Liska, R - alternate
Denise Markovitz, D
Gary Pivo, D
Norman B. Peck III, R
Ann Thurlow, U - Chair
Sarah Susco, D - alternate
Cathy Yuhas, D - alternate