We are pleased to share with you information about OUR excellent public servants, ELECTED IN FALL 2023 — new and returning — who ARE ably led by dtc member & First term Senior town official

First Selectman Dan Cunningham

Daniel Cunningham is a lifelong local currently serving his fourth term as an East Lyme Selectman. He is a UCONN graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Finance. He received his Juris Doctor degree from Western New England College School of Law and has maintained his own law practice in Niantic since 1996. In addition to his service on the Board of Selectmen, he is an Ex-Officio member of the Historic Properties Commission, Waterford/East Lyme Shellfish Commission, Brookside Farm Museum Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission. Dan was the longtime Attorney Coach for the East Lyme High Mock Trial Team, and Dan’s wife Marcie is a retired ELHS history teacher. Further, their children Robert, Leah, Mary, & Sarah, all graduated from the East Lyme public school system. Dan is hardworking and attentive with a platform centered on Sustainability and environmental preservation, Economic Viability and support of small businesses, and a Balanced Approach when considering education spending and high educational standards and encouraging development and protecting the character of our Town. Dan is a unifier and the right person for the time!


Though, as happens, there have been changes since Fall due to resignations & appointments. See ‘Who We Are’ for up-to-date positions

Board of Selectmen:  Ann Cicchiello, Jason Deeble

 Board of Finance:   Rich Steel, Jay Ginsberg

 Board of Education:  Cate Steel, Esteban Garcia, Jill Carini

  Planning Commission:  Nick Menapace, Rich Gordon, Brian Bohmbach

 Zoning Commission:  Denise Markovitz, Gary Pivo

Board of Assessment Appeals:  Mike Bekech, Sue Graham

 Planning Alternate:  Cindy Collins

 Zoning Alt for Full Term: Greg McIntire Partial Term Alt: Sarah Susco

We also congratulate & thank our added candidates: Anthony (Tony) Attanasio, Sandy Gignac, Steve Luber, Sam Sims, and Vivek Purohit, for their strong showings. Indeed, all ended up competitive. While the results do not always fall in our favor, giving the voters a legitimate choice with qualified, hard working candidates is a win, in and of itself. Next time!

See general info under Electoral opportunities. Note there are also a number of appointed Boards and Commissions. Contact DTC Chair SAM SIMS with any interest

If you vote—The ELDTC thanks you for taking the time to fulfill your civic duty and making your voice heard. However, if you do not— we would be interested to learn why.
Please feel free to reach out to share your concerns or impediments to voting. Your ELDTC supports increased access to voting and provides rides and assistance to the polls.

Thank you to Jay Ginsberg and Vivek Purohit, Democratic Town Charter Revision Committee members, for your service and hard work.
