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Absentee Ballots Available

For the 2020 election, every voter is eligible to vote via absentee ballot, which can be returned by mail or in the ballot drop box located at the East Lyme Town Hall on Pennsylvania Avenue in Niantic.

In early to mid-September, the Connecticut Secretary of State will mail every registered voter a request form for an absentee ballot. (Not registered? See the link at the bottom of this event.) You can return this request by mail OR in person at the East Lyme Town Clerk’s Office at East Lyme Town Hall OR via the ballot box outside at Town Hall and you will receive an absentee ballot by mail. We will update our social media when we see absentee ballot request forms arriving in East Lyme and Niantic so that you can look out for yours.


(If you opt to do this, you’re okay to ignore the request form that comes to you in the mail. Return it the same way as outlined above.)

If you or someone you know is unable to go in to the Town Hall, or unable to get to the ballot drop box (for dropping off application or ballots) please call the Town Clerk’s Office at 860-739-6931 ext. 1135, and they can meet you in the parking lot to help you with this process.

If you have any questions about absentee ballots please contact the East Lyme Town Clerk’s office at 860-739-6931 ext. 1135.

Once you request your absentee ballot, it will be mailed out beginning October 2nd.

(No matter when you request, that’s the earliest date they’ll be sent out.)

When you receive it, fill it out completely and according to the instructions on the ballot. Send it back via mail, or drop it in the ballot drop box located at East Lyme Town Hall on Pennsylvania Avenue in Niantic.

MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE COUNTS - Send your ballot back as early as you’re ready to so that you avoid any delays with the postal service!

MORE INFO on this year’s voting logistics here: